A skin-lifting hospital is a cosmetic surgery that reduces loosening of the skin in the neck and jowls to help you look younger. You may need to combine this surgery with other procedures — including eyelid surgery, a brow lift or a fat transfer — to achieve the results you want. The surgery is permanent, but it can have side effects and risks. Before you decide to have a facelift, talk with your health care provider.
A traditional facelift (rhytidectomy) uses cuts to tighten the skin in your neck and jowls, and may involve repositioning or removing excess fat in these areas. It’s a common procedure that improves mild to moderate facial sagging.
The surgeon makes a series of incisions around your ears, hairline and below the chin to separate the skin from underlying tissues. The surgeon then tightens the muscles and removes or relocates fat from your face and neck. 삼성역리프팅 The surgeon then re-drapes the remaining skin in a more natural way. A surgical facelift is a more serious and extensive surgery than other types of facelifts, such as a mini or mid-facelift.
A mini-facelift is a less invasive version of a traditional facelift, and is usually recommended for people who have early signs of facial sagging and have minimal fatty tissue in their cheeks. It involves fewer incisions, which makes it a faster and more comfortable recovery process.
You may need to stay in the hospital for several days after a facelift, especially if your operation involved general anesthesia. A skin-lifting hospital may offer a variety of amenities to make you as comfortable as possible during your stay. Some facilities include a spa and restaurants.온다리프팅
A facelift can cause some complications, including bleeding, infection and problems with the anesthesia. A collection of blood under the skin (hematoma) is the most common complication. It’s important to tell your doctor if you experience severe pain or other unexpected symptoms after surgery.
Your doctor may recommend a nonsurgical facelift, such as injectable dermal fillers or botulinum toxin injections. These treatments are less invasive than a surgical facelift, but they only provide temporary results.

You shouldn’t get a facelift if you have medical conditions, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, that increase your risk for complications. You should also avoid smoking or using certain medications, such as aspirin or other blood thinners, before getting a facelift.
You should prepare for a surgical facelift by stopping any drugs or supplements that affect blood clotting, and making sure you arrange for transportation home after the surgery and someone to stay with you during your first night afterward. You should also stop smoking several weeks before your procedure to prevent wrinkling and promote healing. You should plan to recover from a facelift in about six to nine months. During that time, you should avoid strenuous exercise, and use sunscreen on your skin. You can return to most activities after a month, but you should avoid rubbing or pulling at your face or putting any pressure on it for the first week after surgery.