Many people experience hair loss as they age. The extent, pattern and rate of the thinning is unique to each person.
In men, it usually occurs as a receding hairline and bald spots on the top of the head. Women usually keep their front hairline but have thinning throughout the scalp. Some hair loss is genetic, while others can be caused by medical conditions such as thyroid gland disease, anemia or autoimmune diseases including alopecia areata, which causes circular patches of complete hair loss.탈모치료추천
Depending on the cause of your hair loss, your dermatologist may recommend medications or other treatment options. The most common treatments for male and female pattern baldness are topical minoxidil or oral medication finasteride, which are available as prescriptions or over-the-counter products. Other treatments can include specialized hair styling techniques, hair implants and PRP (platelet-rich plasma).
A dermatologist may also recommend avoiding certain foods, especially those high in fat or protein that have been linked to hair loss. Stress and other factors can also contribute to thinning hair, so it is important to find healthy ways to manage stress.
Some forms of hair loss are temporary and stop on their own, while others continue to get worse. When this is the case, dermatologists often recommend camouflage or other cosmetic techniques to minimize thinning, such as hair styling and hair extensions. Some patients prefer to wear wigs or hairpieces to conceal their thinned hair.
If your doctor suspects you are experiencing a condition that is causing thinning, she or he will examine your scalp and hair, ask about your family history and run tests. These might include a blood test or scalp biopsy, which involves gently pulling a few dozen hairs and examining them under a microscope.
A blood test can help your doctor discover underlying medical conditions that could be causing your hair loss. A scalp biopsy, meanwhile, can help determine whether the cause is an infection or a health issue that affects the growth of hair.
Your dermatologist can suggest natural ways to promote healthy hair, such as dietary changes and using gentle shampoos and conditioners that are formulated for your hair type. Your doctor can also recommend ways to cope with emotional or physical stress. Some patients find that it helps to talk with a support group or connect with other people who have experienced hair loss to learn what strategies worked for them. If your hair loss is due to cancer treatment, your doctor can suggest methods of coping with this, as well. In some cases, the hair loss will be temporary and stop on its own as the treatment ends. If the hair loss is permanent, a dermatologist can discuss cosmetic methods to make thinned hair look more full and less noticeable. Some patients choose to go without treatment. For others, the best option is to try different hair treatments until a desirable result is achieved. Hair growth can be restored with regular use of these medications, so it is important to follow your dermatologist’s recommendations.부산탈모병원